Services – updated 2024-07-03
I enjoyed coaching new engineers in industry and teaching engineering courses in college, and would like to continue to support engineers and scientists with practical skills for data analysis, process and product modeling, optimization, and process control. I can provide:
- seminars
- short courses
- tutorials
- training courses
- workshops
- applications coaching
- collaboration
I have been presenting 1-day short courses on either optimization, regression, nonlinear model-based control, or statistics at the annual American Control Conferences. Visit replace the xx with the year) for details. This year in Toronto, July 9, the workshop was based on my new book Nonlinear Model-Based Control using First-Principles Models, visit
What is an applications coach? Rather than following an academic classroom teaching model (present a lecture, then leave the technique-novices in isolation to struggle with its implementation), coaching follows a model of human resource development (present the concepts, then observe the players practice, and engage to shape their implementation activity). Although this could be within a workshop environment, in which they practice on application examples that I provide, I am open to guiding their application of techniques in the months after the course. Classroom presentation and exercise drills are important to learning, but I think that skill is best developed when players are coached during real play.
I have written my books on statistics, optimization, nonlinear regression, and model-based control to help both self-learners and those in courses to understand the fundamentals and application methods.
To contact me, use the Contact menu item.